Echo Chambers and Real Productivity
In this issue:
Welcome to My Echo Chamber
Gitonium gets an update
Welcome to My Echo Chamber
A while back, I felt tired of Twitter because it's full of indie hacker influencers either bragging about their MRR or spewing advice on getting thousands of followers like they have (buy my course!).
Hoping to find a more meaningful way to keep myself up to date, I joined Substack and began subscribing to a bunch of newsletters that popped up and seemed interesting.
Last night, I found myself reading a newsletter about how You, too, can generate eight income streams when it clicked for me. Why am I spending time reading this? As I reflected on this last night, I realized I'd recreated the same environment that I had on Twitter.
Half of the newsletters are from people writing about how to succeed on Substack or how you, too, can have thousands of followers (grind!) and live life on your terms, et cetera ad infinitum. Am I just hooked on success porn? Please gloss over all complexities and failures along the way and seduce me with this easy six-step success blueprint.
Are we predisposed to seek out what we want to hear? Why did I do this to myself? More importantly, how can we break out of this cycle?
Gitonium Gets an Update
As you may know, I make a git client for macOS. Its primary purpose is to make merges as easy as possible. Many users have been asking me to add support for pushing and pulling, and it's taken me a while because I was used to mostly doing that from the command line. It's a feature I've been wanting to make, and now that I have it, I'm not sure how I managed without it. It sounds like such a simple thing to add to an app, but there are many corner cases and things to consider.
This spring, I spent much time learning about the actual business parts of running a business, so it felt comforting to make things again. Before submitting this version to Apple, I took the opportunity to update Gitonium's icon. The old one was a Launched-inspired one that I thought would be temporary, but it stuck.
Designing a new version was a fun process. While still blue, this new one stands out better next to all the other blue icons on my Mac.
The new version 2024.7.1 is rolling out ​on the Mac App Store​ right now!
I hope you're all having a fantastic summer! I just returned from walking through a forest inside an old log flume to reach a secret swimming spot. Never stop going on adventures!
Have a great day!